Page Speed Optimization Services

With Google announcing the Core Web Vitals metric and its Page Experience update, which focuses on user experience, speed matters more than ever. A Deloitte study found that at .1 second improvement in page load time increased conversion to transaction by 8%. Google will reward pages that load fast and will penalize those that do not. There are a number of best practices to increase page speed: the servers, caching, the CMS, optimized and efficient code, and image optimization.
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Check your website speed

Speed is integral to Core Vitals and user experience. Milestone will help you understand the speed of your site and pages in the industry context because Milestone Research has created performance benchmarks for the major industries. Start with a free site audit to benchmark your site and make a plan to improve it.

Mobile speed

With mobile internet usage far exceeding desktop, and search engines adopting mobile first indexing, the mobile experience of your site matters more than it ever did. The speed with which your site loads on mobile devices is an important element of the mobile experience. Milestone Research was surprised to find that despite the attention given to the Mobile First Update, mobile speed still lags far behind desktop speed at 2.6 times slower, 2.9 seconds Speed Index to 7.9 seconds. Find out how we can help you improve your mobile speed and performance.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

With Google announcing the Core Web Vitals metric and its Experience Update, which focuses on user experience, some commentators speculated about the future interest in AMP.
It is a myth that AMP is only relevant to news sites. While it is not a ranking factor, AMP is the fastest mobile experience a site can achieve. By extension, AMP helps you perform better on mobile search. AMP will not only helps your business meet the requirements of Google's Core Web Vitals Update, but it will impact various facets of your business with the most important impact being increased revenue.

Fastest CMS

The best way to increase page speed is by choosing the right CMS and adding to that the design and technical resources to make it all work together. The Milestone CMS is the fastest and only SEO-first CMS on the planet.