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Managing Organizations

As we climb the ladder managing team, organization effectively becomes super critical. In this panel, we will discuss how to build trust within team and create culture which inspires peak performance, how to enable team with diverse background to work together and focus on right metrics to measure.

Confirmed Speakers

Lovell Casiero

Lovell Casiero

Brenda Arndt

Brenda Arndt

Shivani Govil

Shivani Govil

Our speakers will share what it takes to lead your team, community and organization effectively. We will cover key element including building trust, culture which inspire constant learning, setting up clear goals and aligning across all teams, navigating challenges. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have gained actionable roadmap for managing organization effectively.

Panel Inspiration Includes Following Author

  1. Infinite Mindset by Simon Sinek: Sinek advocates for adopting an infinite mindset in leadership, focusing on long-term growth and sustainability.
  2. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni: Lencioni identifies common team dysfunctions and offers strategies for building trust, communication, and cohesion.
  3. Peak by Chip Conley: Conley explores the principles of peak performance and organizational excellence, drawing from his experience in the hospitality industry.
  4. Measure What Matters by John Doerr: Doerr presents the OKR (Objectives and Key Results) framework for setting and achieving goals in organizations.
  5. The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz: Horowitz shares practical advice for navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship and leadership in the tech industry.

Key Take-aways from Speakers

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