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Curate Your Future

In this session, we will share what it takes to prepare and curate beautiful future. how to stay relevant and give back in most meaningful way. This will include key learning from books such as wisdom at work, Blitzscaling, learning to love midlife, Zero to One, Good to Great.

Confirmed Speakers

Mythili Sankaran

Mythili Sankaran

Renu Agrawal

Renu Agrawal

Anita Manwani

Anita Manwani

Our Speakers will share steps you can take which you are scaling your company, how to stay relevant and curate most meaningful future.

Panel Inspiration Includes Following Author

  1. Blitzscaling by Reid Hoffman: Hoffman discusses strategies for rapidly scaling startups and achieving market dominance.
  2. Learning to Love Midlife - 12 Reasons Why Life Gets Better with Age: This book explores the opportunities and joys of midlife, challenging common misconceptions about aging.
  3. Wisdom at Work: This book explores the intersection of age and wisdom in the workplace, highlighting the valuable contributions of older workers.
  4. Zero to One by Peter Thiel: Thiel offers insights into building successful startups and creating innovative solutions in competitive markets.
  5. Good to Great by Jim Collins: Collins identifies the characteristics of companies that transition from good to great, providing valuable lessons for organizational success.

Key Take-aways from Speakers

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