Very few! Schemas drive 30-50% more search impressions, organic traffic, and clickthroughs. But if you are thinking that, with such a powerful value proposition, every website would have already implemented them – you are in for surprise! Just 40% of the websites in the world have schemas and of them, only a handful-10% have advanced schemas of 8 types or more, and only 4% have advanced error-free schemas.
When it comes to schemas, it is not just about ‘doing or not’ – it’s about ‘doing it RIGHT or not’. And only a handful of websites manage to do schemas the RIGHT way. Why? While schemas are great to have, they are tricky to implement and require coding experience, and IT knowledge. Having continuous updates, nested architecture–all these make schema implementations challenging. And that’s where tools ,like Milestone Schema Manager can help deploy schemas with no-coding.
Another reason for the low adoption of schemas is that it’s difficult to understand the impact of schemas with very few tools, such as Milestone Presence Cloud quantifying it. But remember one thing–schemas are getting more important than ever as voice searches continue to grow. So, if you do not have schemas – do implement it RIGHT now, in the RIGHT way.